tell - A puppet module to notify external parties of resource changes

Over this past weekend, I experimented with writing a puppet module to invoke web hooks and / or send email messages when things change in Puppet. I wanted something that would notify me whenever the kernel package was updated on any of my systems, so that I could plan on rebooting them myself at a convenient time. I thought for quite some time about just automatically rebooting them, but later decided that I wanted to be at the computer as they were rebooting just in case anything went wrong.

The solution came out pretty nice - which is why I've posted it on and created a git repo for it. It allows very simple syntax to notify via email or webhooks whenever a resource changes, based on relationships, much the same way the the 'exec' type relationships work with the 'refreshonly' option.

You can find release 0.1.0 of this project at the following locations: Github Puppet Forge


In this example, the vim-enhanced package changes to 'latest' from 'absent'. The example results would be POST'ed to a web service via HTTP if you are using a web hook, or an email would have been sent through the default system relay if you are 'telling' an email address about the resource change.

Package {
    notify => [

package { "vim-enhanced": ensure => "latest" }

tell {
        dest => '';

        dest => '',
        post => 'packagedata';

When you run it, you will see something like this:

/Stage[main]//Package[vim-enhanced]/ensure: created
/Stage[main]//Tell[package_updated_webhook]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
/Stage[main]//Tell[package_updated_email]/returns: Successfully told
/Stage[main]//Tell[package_updated_email]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Finished catalog run in 8.26 seconds

Results in the default YAML format:

  - exported: false
    title: vim-enhanced
      !ruby/sym configfiles: !ruby/sym keep
      !ruby/sym ensure: "7.2.411-1.8.el6"
      !ruby/sym provider: !ruby/sym yum
      !ruby/sym loglevel: !ruby/sym notice
      !ruby/sym notify:
        - Tell[package_updated]
    type: Package
      - package
      - vim-enhanced
      - class
  - exported: false
    title: Main
      !ruby/sym name: admissible_Class[Main]
      !ruby/sym loglevel: !ruby/sym notice
    type: Admissible_class
      - admissible_class
      - main

Results in JSON format (requires 'json' rubygem)

    "title": "vim-enhanced",
    "type": "Package",
    "parameters": {
      "ensure": "7.2.411-1.8.el6",
      "configfiles": "keep",
      "provider": "yum",
      "loglevel": "notice",
      "notify": [
    "exported": false,
    "tags": [
    "title": "Main",
    "type": "Admissible_class",
    "parameters": {
      "name": "admissible_Class[Main]",
      "loglevel": "notice"
    "exported": false,
    "tags": [